Word from the President

South Africa Key to Continent’s ICT Development:

South Africa has been urged to take a more prominent role in international ICT diplomacy to shape global policies and standards that align with the country’s and continent’s interests. This call was made by John Omo, secretary-general of the African Telecommunications Union (ATU), during a virtual address at the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies’ celebration of 30 years of collaboration and growth in the ICT industry.
Omo emphasized that South Africa has been a key player in the ICT sector, not only in Africa but also globally, and has made significant contributions to international ICT forums. However, he stressed that the country needs to scale up its efforts to ensure that its voice is heard and its interests are represented in global ICT diplomacy.
“The world is increasingly becoming digital, and ICTs are at the heart of this transformation,” Omo said. “As a major player in the global ICT landscape, South Africa has a critical role to play in shaping the future of ICTs and ensuring that they are harnessed for the benefit of all.”
Omo highlighted the importance of international cooperation and collaboration in addressing global ICT challenges, such as cybersecurity threats, data privacy, and the digital divide. He emphasized that South Africa’s experience and expertise in ICT development make it an ideal candidate to take on a more prominent role in international ICT diplomacy.
“South Africa has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in ICT development, and it is essential that this expertise is shared with other countries, particularly in Africa,” Omo said. “By taking a more active role in international ICT diplomacy, South Africa can help shape global ICT policies and standards that are inclusive, equitable, and sustainable.”
Omo’s call for South Africa to scale up its role in international ICT diplomacy was echoed by other speakers at the event, who emphasized the need for the country to take a more proactive approach to global ICT governance. They highlighted the importance of collaboration and cooperation among governments, industry players, and civil society organizations to ensure that ICTs are harnessed for the benefit of all.
The event was held to celebrate 30 years of collaboration and growth in the ICT industry in South Africa and to reflect on the sector’s achievements and challenges. It brought together industry players, policymakers, and other stakeholders to discuss the future of ICTs in South Africa and the continent.

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